Portfolio: White Papers / Reports
Technology White Paper:
Analytic Tools for Email Marketing
Emailers hate having their message land in the spam folder, but love having messages "rescued" from that folder with "This is Not Spam" (TINS) messages. We wrote this 9-page report for email marketers based on the client's statistical analysis of an extremely large database.
Technology Case Study:
Building Internet Leadership
This was one of a series of case studies written to support the client in generating potential donor interest in its Next Generation Leadership program.
Technology Product Sales Training: White Paper
The client needed a white paper to make the case to their prospects for using online, specialized product sales training for sales representatives, rather than relying on sell sheets and marketing collateral. We laid out the arguements in this fast-reading piece.
White Paper:
Activating Public Support for US Engagement
We developed the structure and text for this report for an educational and policy studies institute, based on the outcomes of their innovative strategic communications research program designed to improve understanding of American beliefs about global issues and this country’s world role.
Technology White Paper:
Translation Management Systems
We wrote the text for this best practices piece on translation and localization for mobile apps. By laying out what it takes to do this process well, the white paper made clear the benefits of the client's translation management system.
All portfolio items are copyright to the client and cannot be used without their permission